Lawmen- Rook and Berenger
Book 1 of the Galactic Ranger Chronicles
A “Jackverse” Novel
Matthew Kadish
Lawmen: Rook & Berenger – Childhood’s End Copyright © 2020 by Twelve Oaks Media. All Rights Reserved.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.
This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.
Matthew Kadish
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Printed in the United States of America
First Printing: March 2020
Twelve Oaks Media
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To Ron & Cindy Kadish
Thank You For Your Love & Support
Without It, None Of These Books
Would Be Possible.
About The Author
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Rook & Berenger Will Return In…
Special Thanks To:
Other “Jackverse” Books
In the entire history of the universe, there are many tales worth telling.
Some are tales of high adventure, with sweeping battles and consequences that affect the fate of the entire galaxy. But some tales are smaller and more personal, focusing on events that are important to a single individual. Occasionally, these two types of tales meet and create an exciting story that is not only interesting for the galactic public at large but also helped to shape the universe in which we all live.
Some of these “smaller” stories aren’t as well known as the famous ones such as the adventures of the universe’s greatest hero, Earthman Jack. However, if one were to go to the grand repository of the Hive Mind of Valghana VII, where the Central Galactic University houses a comprehensive collection of meticulously recorded historical records, one would find quite a number of lesser-known accounts detailing the exploits of a variety of exceptional individuals and their personal stories.
And just because these exceptional individuals aren’t as well-known as a great hero like Earthman Jack Finnegan, that doesn’t make them any less interesting. For instance, take the story of Deckland “Rook” Prescott and Braxxon Berenger as an example.
If one were to go to Valghana VII and submit to the Guardians of Knowledge an inquiry about these two men, they would discover that the saga of “Rook and Berenger” is the story of two of the most famous lawmen to ever operate within the Galactic Regalus Empire and all 30,000 lightyears worth of its stellar territory.
Rook and Berenger were among the first members of an organization known as “Galactic Rangers,” a unique group of law enforcement officers tasked with bringing law and order to the Frontier, one of the wildest and most untamed areas of Imperial space. The Galactic Rangers were famous for having to deal with some of the most extreme and dangerous issues facing the Regalus Empire, since the area they were tasked with policing lacked any substantial governmental infrastructure.
And though all Galactic Rangers could be considered brave and noble souls, the exploits of Rook and Berenger are unique among them. Not only did Rook and Berenger make the most unlikely of partners (their personalities were widely believed to be completely ill-suited to one another), but despite their contentious relationship, they also overcame numerous obstacles that allowed them to uncover a dangerous conspiracy and save the Regalus Empire and the entire Frontier from a sweeping threat.
Yes, the saga of Rook and Berenger is full of mystery, murder, intrigue, espionage, and perhaps most importantly, the struggle between good and evil. In a place like the Frontier where the population could be as wild as its wilderness, strong and moral men like Rook and Berenger were needed to not only protect those who couldn’t protect themselves, but to ensure that justice was done (even if that justice wasn’t always “legal” in nature).
Rook and Berenger never had to battle armies of Deathlords over the fate of the galaxy, but that doesn’t make them any less heroic. Unlike some of the most famous figures from history, Rook and Berenger could be classified as “everyday heroes” – men who always did their jobs, always did the right thing, and never expected any reward or praise for doing so. The story of Rook and Berenger is a story of law and order told on a galactic scale, and though their tales may be small and personal, the consequences of their actions affected an entire quadrant of space and the Regalus Empire at large. In fact, it may even be safe to say that if it weren’t for these two exceptional lawmen, the Regalus Empire, as we know it today, may very well not exist.
As with any great story, it is best to start at the beginning. In this case, the tale of Rook and Berenger takes place approximately 700 years before the events of the Earthman Jack Space Saga, in the 4th Quadrant of space known as the Frontier, on the planet of Barnholm, the day before these two officers of the law first met.
Their first case together was one that deeply affected them both and forged a bond between the two that would keep these men working together, despite their tenuous relationship. It was also the start of a much larger case – one that encompassed many adventures – and would eventually expose a far-reaching conspiracy that put the entire Empire at risk. A conspiracy that, in the end, only Rook and Berenger would be able to stop. And just like any great crime story…
It all started with a murder.
Chapter 1
The sun was just starting to rise over the barren and rocky desert landscape of the planet Sarjana, turning the dark sky into ribbons of purple, orange, and red. The settlement of Skinny Plains jutted up on the horizon, its towers and structures a silhouette against the bright, fiery orb of the rising sun. A Roamer, with its elongated chassis and six tires designed to traverse any type of terrain, rumbled forward, blazing a trail across the dirt, rock, and dry desertscrub grass of the flatland as it raced toward its destination.
The Roamer came to a stop when it met up with the survey team, which consisted of androids and only a single supervisor to oversee them. Scuffed black boots hit the dirt as Peacekeeper Chief James Moreland exited his vehicle. Though it was early morning, he could tell
it was going to be yet another hot day, the dry heat of Sarjana already preparing to crank up into high gear.
Moreland was in a bad mood. Not only had he been awakened early by the call and hadn’t had time to make his usual cup of coffee, but also the very nature of the call itself had been distressing. On the drive out, he’d hoped the details that had been reported to him were somehow wrong. But something in his gut told him otherwise.
“Chief Moreland,” said the survey team supervisor in greeting. He was clad in the typical orange and reflective yellow jumpsuit and work gear, which most from the mining operation in the colony typically wore. His face was tan and weathered from all the time he’d spent out in the sun. Moreland recognized him as Gariff Loksyn. Though Moreland was new to Skinny Plains, the colony wasn’t too big yet, so he had become familiar with almost everyone there.
“Gariff,” Moreland said as he fished out his newly bought widebrim hat to protect him from the sun. “You called this in?”
“I did, Chief. At first, I thought it was just a dead animal, but then I remembered that Sarjana don’t really have animals. I had my bots do a more focused scan and… well… that’s when I realized what it was.”
Moreland grimaced. “Show me,” he said.
Gariff led Moreland to an area past his team’s large Roamer. A handful of his survey-bots were standing around, still as statues, their large ocular lenses slowly scanning the area as they recorded, mapped, and measured everything within sight. In their midst lay the body.
“I had my bots go ahead and map the scene for you,” Gariff said. “Figured… you know… it might come in handy in case anything gets disturbed.”
“Much obliged,” Moreland replied.
Gariff hung back as Moreland cautiously approached the cadaver. He knelt beside it and frowned as he examined the grim discovery.
“Was I right, Chief?” Gariff asked. “Is it… is it…”
Moreland rose back to his feet. “Yeah, you were,” he said, sadly. “It’s a little girl.”
Gariff frowned, making it obvious he was not happy about being right. “How’s that possible, Chief?” he asked. “How’s a little girl die all the way out here? Heck, how’d she even get out here in the first place?”
Moreland sighed as he gazed all around him at the vast expanse of empty desert wilderness, with nothing in sight but the colony of Skinny Plains in the far distance.
“That, Gariff, is a very good question,” he replied.
Chapter 2
Deckland Prescott showed up promptly on time at the auditorium in the newly finished Imperial Intelligence Agency offices in the heart of Landfall City. Since he’d arrived on the planet of Barnholm a few days prior after an extremely long journey crossing the Great Expanse, he hadn’t had much time to explore his new home. Indeed, his days had been spent busily searching for an apartment while living out of suitcases and getting used to the unusually spicy food that seemed so popular in the Frontier.
What he had gathered from his time on the planet was that Landfall City seemed to be perpetually under construction, its growth rapid and unchecked. The new governmental offices were the first that appeared to be completed, and they were impressive in their design – about as modern as anything in the core of the Regalus Empire.
Before he’d traveled to the Frontier, he’d heard stories about how “backwater” it was: how there were few advanced technological services that most in the core worlds took for granted; how poor the quality of planets were with the majority of them being barely habitable; and most of all, how odd those who lived out there were. But when in the center of the Frontier’s flagship planet’s capitol city, he couldn’t tell much of a difference between it and the cities in the heart of the Galactic Regalus Empire.
The auditorium was very large – too large for the handful of agents present. A quick headcount told Deckland that there were less than forty in attendance inside a space that could easily seat 400. There also wasn’t much time to mingle with the new recruits before the lights dimmed and a pleasant female voice emanating from the room’s sound system told everyone to please take a seat.
Despite not having time to socialize and to get to know some of the other agents, Deckland could tell he stood out amongst the crowd. Most of the agents in the auditorium looked like they’d originated from the Frontier, speaking with the unique twang of the region and sporting the vast array of silly looking facial hair that seemed to be popular among locals. Deckland had honestly never seen such an odd collection of moustaches in his life – especially since they went against the agency’s grooming standards and no one in the core worlds would ever be allowed to grow such monstrosities. But one thing he’d picked up on in his short time on Barnholm was that enforcement of the rules seemed to be rather lax.
Most of the agents were of Regal descent with their signature fine features, fair complexion, and distinctive pointed leaf-shaped ears. Deckland was also a Regal, but being from the planet of Algerion, both his hair and his complexion tended toward the darker side. There was only a scattering of alien species among the group, numbering a few dark-skinned Endolans with their vestigial third eyes, some short and stout Corkrons with their extremely round and tattooed bald heads, and two or three six-armed Karkovians.
Though the agents present were obviously from all walks of life, they did have a few things in common, the most notable of which was that they were all young, eager, and excited at the prospect of the new venture for which they’d assembled. However, despite sharing those traits, Deckland felt out of place. It was obvious he was one of the few agents to come from a core world of the Empire, and he could tell by the sideway looks from the other recruits that they all regarded him with a slight sense of resentment. Another thing Deckland had learned since arriving at Barnholm was that those native to the Frontier felt those from the core worlds were soft and entitled. Frontier life had been full of hardship and struggle, giving all those who had grown up in the region a slight sense of superiority over those who hadn’t come up in the same difficult way.
As everyone found a seat, the auditorium went dark and a large holographic projection appeared over the stage at the head of the room. A symbol of a five-pointed star within a golden orb, pierced by a sword from top to bottom, appeared along with the words Galactic Ranger Initiative Orientation.
“Welcome, recruits, to the Galactic Ranger Initiative,” came the soothing female voice as it started up once more. Symbols of other law enforcement agencies began to appear over the stage, representing the Imperial Investigative Service, the Peacekeeper Service, the Imperial Space Force, and the Imperial Intelligence Agency.
“The Galactic Ranger Initiative is a task force created with the unprecedented cooperation of the Regalus Empire’s largest law enforcement, intelligence, and military agencies. Agents and officers from across the galaxy are joining the Initiative for what promises to be the greatest and most exciting challenge of our lifetimes – bringing law and order to an entirely new part of the Regalus Empire.”
The holo-images then faded to show an image of two men. One of them looked distinguished, the other looked rugged, and yet, they both looked like each other.
“About one hundred years ago, the twin brothers Baptiste and Burtram Barnholm set out to do the impossible – cross the vast area of empty space known as The Great Expanse, which separates the Perseus Arm and the Scutum-Centarus Arm of the galaxy – and to discover habitable planets upon which to settle and colonize. Before the Barnholm twins and their now famous expedition, it was widely believed that the planetary systems in the Scutum-Centarus Arm were not worth exploring, with many experts believing that the arm mostly consisted of old stars and few habitable planets. But the Barnholm twins set out to prove them wrong.”
The image of the Barnholm twins then faded to a still image of a spaceship on a barren plain, with dusty mountains in the distance.
“Fate was on the Barnholm twins’ side. After a harrowing journey of 15,000 lightyears, con
sisting of no stars, planets, or space stations to support travelers, the twins finally reached what has come to be known as the Sapphire System, a planetary system with a rich and welcoming planet in its habitable zone. This blue planet filled with water and vegetation, Burtram declared, was ‘as rare and beautiful as finding a sapphire in a vast, empty desert’. The twins claimed the planet, named it after themselves, and built the first settlement where their starship had made landfall – a settlement which one day would become Landfall City.”
The image faded to archived news footage of masses of people packing up their belongings, boarding starships, and flying off into space.
“When news of the success of the twins reached the Empire, it sparked a flood of settlers willing to brave the long journey across the Great Expanse in the hopes of also finding new, lush worlds like Barnholm to claim as their own. As more and more of the Scutum-Centarus Arm was explored, more habitable planets were uncovered, proving that this ‘new frontier’ was ripe with potential. Forty years ago, the planet of Barnholm was officially inducted into the Galactic Regalus Empire, and the Barnholm twins were granted the Frontier’s first planetary system governorship, now known as The Twinspirit Legacy.”
A holo-image of the Twinspirit crest appeared over the stage, a yellow fist clutching a hammer within a sapphire-blue diamond.
“With the first official induction into the Empire, more will follow as new colonies and settlements expand into the Frontier. However, many of the already established colonies in the Scutum-Centarus Arm have developed outside of Imperial governance, presenting a host of new challenges as the Regalus Empire begins to bring them into the fold. This is where the Galactic Ranger Initiative comes in…”
The holographic image transitioned to a map of the Frontier, projected in front of the Galactic Ranger’s insignia.